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SEDOLL Silicone Doll: New LHP Changes for the 167E Body

As sex doll technology continues to reach new heights, with dynamic facial expressions, autonomous masturbation, head motion capture, and AI voice interactions becoming increasingly prevalent, the ultimate goal for multifunctional robotic sex dolls becomes clearer. In this rapidly evolving environment, SEDOLL strives to maintain its competitive edge by starting with basic improvements and continually innovating and enhancing our technologies. This blog post focuses on a crucial update to the Silicone-Pro Series body LHP (Love Hole Position).

In the TDF forum, there has been discussion regarding the LHP issue with our 167E silicone body, and community members often provide suggestions on how to improve the sex doll’s LHP. We have been looking for the right opportunity to make these updates, and finally, that time has come. In my previous blog, I mentioned a new silicone customization option—Realistic Skin Textures—currently exclusive to the 167E body. This is also the model we have chosen for LHP adjustments, involving a redesign that includes the modification of LHP and the sculpting of skin textures. Thus, this constitutes an entirely new body design.

The specific changes to LHP include:

  • Anus and Vaginal Entrance Size: Previous TPE versions had relatively small openings; in this update, we have significantly enlarged these parts.
  • Position Adjustment: The LHP has been slightly moved backward to align with the natural human anatomy better.
167E TPE
167E Silicone(New)
167E Silicone
167E Silicone(New)

This LHP update highlights SEDOLL’s proactive approach to facing technological and user experience challenges. We focus not only on the aesthetic appearance of our products but also on improving practical user experiences through innovative upgrades. From basic design improvements to the introduction of advanced technologies, SEDOLL remains determined to stay current and produce products that meet the growing consumer expectations.

167E Jenny.A
167E Vicky.J


Q1: What is the purpose of the LHP position update?
A1: The LHP (Love Hole Position) update aims to make the sex doll’s body structure closer to the actual human body’s proportions and functionality, enhancing usability and customer satisfaction.

Q2: What improvements have been made in the updated LHP design?
A2: The new design has enlarged the anus and vaginal openings and adjusted their positions to better match human anatomy, enhancing comfort and realism during use.

Q3: Besides the 167E body, are there plans to change the LHP for other body models?
A3: We have already adjusted the LHP positions for the 161E and 165C models, which were changes made before the 167E. In the future, if we receive feedback about LHP issues with other new body models, we will consider making the necessary adjustments to ensure all body models meet user expectations and needs.

Q4: Why don’t the promotional images show the differences in body changes?
A4: The images used for promotional purposes typically feature prop dolls designed specifically for photography, which have not yet been completely updated to the new body models. Rest assured, all products shipped are manufactured using the new molds to ensure you receive the latest improvements.

Through these ongoing efforts and improvements, SEDOLL hopes to offer users a richer and higher quality selection, meeting different users’ diverse needs and expectations. Please stay tuned for more updates, as we continue to unveil more exciting developments in the future.

Recent New Arrivals

Resin Head Stand
Artistic head stand featuring a unique shoulder lift design that not only showcases the sex doll’s head at the optimal angle but also enhances the overall aesthetic. This stand is not just functional, but a beautiful piece of art. Available in four colors to perfectly match your sex doll.

TPE Series

Silicone Series

June Promotions

TPE Series
Silicone Series

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